Call for papers – SC2PI at USC

We would like to announce the call for papers for the third semi-annual Southern California Comparative Political Institutions (SC2PI) conference at the School of Policy, Planning, and Development at the University of Southern California from 11am-5pm on February 3, 2012. The conference series rotates among institutions in Southern California, bringing together scholars interested in the quantitative and formal study of political institutions. We are interested in papers on political institutions broadly speaking, whether focused on a comparative analysis of political institutions or the effects of particular political institutions on individual behavior.

Faculty and advanced graduate students are invited to submit papers. If you have a paper you would like to present, please provide a paper title and abstract by December 19, 2011 January 4, 2012 via email to Please also respond if you are interested in attending the conference.

The first two conferences in this series (held at UC-Riverside and UCLA) have been very successful. We hope to replicate that success at USC and look forward to seeing you on February 3.

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